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Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Dragon's Eyes

Art by MY LOGO

Poem written at Tumblewords Project, the Saturday afternoon writing workshop,
on October 25, 2008
by Chevalterre Nabil

"The Dragon's Eyes"


A million colored petals
surrounding black, venemous pollen

They are a yellow,
entangling grey,
with green and blue frosting.

All inside the white spherish orb -
restrained within the socket
and crimson vessels.

Protected by freckled eyelids
and long, black curls.


The dragon, in disguise...
cruisin' the floor
with his promiscuous ways -

The hips sway,
side to side.

Abs curling
in and out.


Tight torso
inside black spandax -

Under the denim pair,
it matters not.


His suitors encircle,
more than entertained!

They're pretending to be with him
in a safer, more secluded place.

I've been watching him.


To him,
my existance matters no more

than the blink

of his eyes.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Calavera 2008

"Dying to Feel Better"
-- C. N. Nov. 1, 2008

God! I wanna die.

Cut off my nose, despite my face
And stuff carnations
to not smell the garbage burning.

My eyes popped out,
replaced by Amethysts
They make me more observant, beyong the periferal.

The noodle in my skull, keeps growing vines
with morning glories, miguelitos, and grapes.
People like to pick at my brain.

Implant two more pairs of arms
so I can finish all I need to do
without calling for help.

Amputate my feet
as to make them stop aching.
I'll keep them safe in a sandbox.
Letting droplets of sea tickle my toes.

Send me to heaven
with a good pair of Eagle wings.
They'll alleviate the muscle spasms.
And I'll fly to Europe.

Finally, make me skinny...
I'm not fat nor ugly, liking how I look.
But I feel pretty heavy.

Being alive is killing me
How soon will I die again?

I have to schedule a party with some friends.
They're tired and stressed.
With their heads chopped off, they'll gripe less.
Pull out our lungs, we'll smoke forever.
While you're at it, slash our guts out.
We'll feast and drink to our ends' desires!


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Walls Around Me

New Art:

Photos of my wall falling apart, distorted and tweaked via


Rusty Walls

Rusty Walls

POEM: Dear A.G. Les
by Chevalterre Nabil, 20 Sept. 08

Why does the lesbian have such hate?

Why does the lesbian have to judge?

Generalizing towards a bisexual woman.

Her statement burning my ears,
"All of YOU ruin it for US!"

After I accepted her caresses...
After she bought me a drink...

And she almost gave her my number.

She'd even asked why I thought she was cute.

Instead of allowing me to tell her
about her smile,
her stride,
her eyes,
and dark skin...

Instead she pierces
like the bullet from the sniper's gun.

The A.G. in the emerald green shirt.

She played me like a man.
Like a dude with a bulge on his crotch.


I cannot mate with her.

Perhaps someday a kinder Les,
not so A. G.
will come around
and be sincere?

Dear A. G.,
Don't promise me
and least --
your money
matching your attire.

Don't presume
spiritual connection.

Don't ask if I'm okay.

Don't pretend to be a man.

You're a woman.
 And so am I.

So next time,
just stop.
And listen
to a woman's heart.

Your aunt
may tell you that someday.



"(Dear A. G. Les) Reprise"
by Chevalterre Nabil, 20 Sept. 2008


air-headed imagination wondering
without experience.

Be decided
and be Real.

and lesbians

leave them alone.

You have your husband,
you have your man.

Go to the swingers' club,
but leave us alone.

is your lifestyle.

is mine.

Educate yourself
and you'll be fine.

I'm not curious,
I'm not green.

I know what I want.
I know what I mean.

I saw the girls huddled
in the corner of the bar:

Crying she was...
gentle butch,
with spiky hair.

A straight, married girl
lead her on,
toyed with her heart.

But the girls said,
"She's not gay,
she's confused!"

I agree,
her intentions are fake.
don't feel abused.

I know what you think.
I know what you feel.


Not easy,
with which to deal.

I hope when you meet
another bisexual

that she's like me...

Monogomous and clean.

Then the relationship
to develop

Will be real

and serene.

I don't care.

I don't care. 

Nancy Friend

Nancy Friend

Poor Twisted Child

Poor Twisted Child

  POEM: "Love Sick" by Chevalterre Nabil, 24 Sept, 07 

  Dark and dreary 
  are your kisses 

  Moon beams enter 
  and the mist is... 

  Floating in the air 
  while you caress my hair. 

  I must leave you 

  Addicting it is 
  to feel you. 

 (dedicated to Jon P.)



 I hope you've enjoyed today's Blog.
 Please leave your comment.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Dog Days

Recuerdo a mi perrito maltes

"copete", "copete"
te metiste en el soquete
llegaste a mi casa
con agua llene tu taza
con baño y espuma
al salir la luna
cortando tu pelusa
parecias medusa
te pintaba verde y azul
contento estabas tu
"where were you?"
aullabas cuando regresaba
corrias ladrando
con tu osito verde jugando
dormias en mi cama
y la llenabas de lana
tu sacabas a mi papa a caminar
pero yo te paseaba a rodear
papitas comias
de McDonald's, y sonreias
te pusiste malito
senti haber cometido un delito
cinco años en la casa
parecias de pelusa y masa
mi angel del cielo
te enterraron en el suelo
mi perrito cariñoso
siempre veo tu foto...
sonriendo con tu oso.

Chevalterre Nabil
23 agosto 08

Un trio de perros

"pow-pow" y "aza"
acostaditos bajo el kiosko
Y no les hables...
que se alborotan!
Uno chilla,
otro mea
uno huye
el otro te escucha
uno destroza
el otro se rinde
uno morenito
el otro blanquito
los dos hermanos
gemelos opuestos
complices peludos
juguetones y peleoneros
... pero luego
pobrecito "penny"
grandote y bonito
dulce y gentil
solito en el rincon?
hablale y veras
que se cree chiquito tambien
brincando... revolcandose
mientras los dos chiquillos
se trepan sobre el grandote
consintiendose de tus cariños.

Chevalterre Nabil
23 agosto 08

About "ducky"

There we were, under the scorching Arizona sun. My dad and I, hand in hand. I was four, maybe five. My brothers beside us. Dad pointed and asked us to pick. The first one I saw of a litter of five. Focused I was on nothing else around. That little German Shepard, like me: dark and brown. There are pictures of me and my buddy. I named him "ducky". I don't know why, but we were a match. Growing -- slender and long. Nine years we had him in the family, until parvo hit. But I won't dare get into that... don't dare taint his memory. Ducky!

Chevalterre Nabil
23 Aug. 08

"duque II"

There he was, an adorable creature. Light colored German Shepard. It's one of the family's favored breeds. In my teens I was, on weekends crossing the border. As I've mentioned before, this I did for a living. To do hotel and motel laundry in my grandparents' backyard "lavanderia" with our family friend, Miguel.
In the morning, I cleaned the house. I especially enjoyed the cheap, little dog statues integrated with the immediate family portraits. All of grandma's dogs were family too. She loved naming them "duque" or "duquina", as to call them duke or dutchess. Though dutchess is "duquesa". Anywho, "duque" the second, or was he the third, would accompany me...
After I'd cleaned, we'd have a long lunch break. I'd practice my recorder just to play something. The organ was broken, and I'd started a trend of leaving the violin at home. And as I was playing in the middle bedroom, Grandma calls me over to the kitchen. I heard the dog making a strange noise. He wasn't in pain. No. He was accompanying me. A fun little show.
While Grandpa and Miguel delivered Saturday's laundry and brought in Sunday's before I'd go in to wash: The "'duque' and Karla show" would go on for our one-lady audience. Me on my recorder, and the dog on vocals.

Chevalterre Nabil
23 Aug. 08

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Tumblewords presentation by Chuck Taylor, new sketch

on 28 June '08, writer/poet Chuck Taylor presented at Tumblewords Project, writing workshop. His theme was based on the heart chakra.


"Breathing Crystalized" - Chevalterre Nabil

Why is it so hard to breathe?
Why do I feel this pain?
It is only in my mind
a feeling not quite sane.

You see how well I am
I sound and look well
But deep down inside
my crystal green heart did swell.

I carry a bag
with things I like
sometimes I forget
the cigarettes and match to stike.

When and why I smoke
I do not know.
But it is like an incense
letting the bad out-flow.

Sometimes I don't need
the actual substance
but I imagine it
and air comes in great abundance.

art animation: Emerald Heart (this is the crystal green heart mentioned in the poem.)



Untiltled: - Chevalterre Nabil

I lean on his chest
he embraces me
warm and soft he feels
All is calm
all is serene

Suddenly, this annoying ticking
makes my neck stiff
and back ache.

Is that your watch?
He doesn't answer...

I freak out
and yell,
"What's going on?!"

He plays with my mind
and plays with my heart

the robot under his skin
As I see the war scars
like a zipper
used to close up the suit


I leave him...
he tried to have unprotected sex.

Well, at least my Heart goes,

I don't date machines!


Later, during the Tumblewords presentation, Chuck asked us to remember or create some catch-phrases... this is what I came up with:

1. At least my heart doesn't tick. - CN
2. Your heart's a ticking time bomb. - CN
3. If you do not empathize, you have no heart. - CN
4. The heart of an amphibean has drowned the heart of a mammal. - CN

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Independence Day, ten year re-visit

Do stop the red radio at the top of this page first...

Three new poems, and my favorite classic song encorporated to accompany as you read. (in my three favorite versions of "Rose Garden"

First Port Visit, July 1998

Pulling into port.

Melendez (the other Carla) calls 'em "russianos".
She's from L.A.
She's excited to see Russians

1st day, port visit.

Brody was lucky
During the locally famous baritone's concert
she was kissed by another singer
Unluckily, later she was bit by a gypsy's monkey at the plaza.

Had dinner with the Lesbian-Gay bunch
paid six dollars for clean bottled water

while I intervene in with the violin accompanied on piano.
And our waitress is off making out with the other waitress
we can hear their moans and giggles.

I watch the Chicano boys become more drunk than the Russkies

And pretty boy Mendivil
took me to his dry-stock shack
to show off his tongue piercing.
I walked off to go to sleep.
Some girl saw us stepping out,
the stupidest rumor that broke him up
with the worst gossip...
two years later.
Never date the gossip from New Mexico!

N. E. w-a-y-s...

2nd day, port visit

Wore my best black Indian dress
at a picnic COMREL (community relations) event
mingle with my friends
I was at my smallest, size 12
and bust almost bursting out of the dress.

3rd day
Last day of port visit...

4th of July, 1998 in Vladivastok
Sunset's 10 at night
mile-long walk on the beach...
south end's cold
he snuck some fresh apples...
from the galley
north end's hot

buy a quick coke and burger with cucumbers and carrots as fix-ins
chill and watch the "babushka" sun-bathers in their 50's with their grandkids
check out all the hot boys
take pictures with them in trios.

your shipmate and you dressed in whites
trying to keep away from the 12-year old gypsy girl

be watchful of your uniform items
they'll be traded in for zippos
learn some lingo
"yaponski konfiete"
That's Japanese candy
to drive the middle-finger-flipping kids away
Yell at them "niet!"
but it only brings more of them.

Hideout and at the pizzeria
there is no pizza, nor is the toilet clean
drink some vodka
as the last of the RM's and new IT's arm restle

later the lying Vlad sitting by the boom box
we listen to Julio Iglesias' "Nostalgie"
a local favorite
he lies about his travels to China...
why would he lie?
after all, it's just across the bay.

tag-along later with your shipmate, Becker
while he looks for his love, Olga
As the sun goes down
we have an hour left of Liberty
he finds her
they makeout at the beach parking lot
and I make small talk with some boys
as we all watch the "fiereverke"
and the fireworks spark between Olga and Becker
and the town-drunk, (he's been drinking since 5 a.m.)
attacks us
I got spit in my eye...
while one of the boys
insults Mexico for being known for it's drugs
and he still insults the U.S.
it's a fair opinion.

After all, he's happy unhappy to be Russian.
Our ship's command has invaded for a few days.
And the town of Vladivastok
has turned on its power
and "fiereverke"
just for us.

The U.S. Navy.

American Stereotype

I'm sitting patiently

in my Pacific-Asian influenced outfit

carrying a woven tote.

I forgot to put on my eye makeup

and I'm waiting for the next song

It's karaoke night

and I want to sing

a little blue grass

and later some punk rock

but before I get called

the cutest guy comes up and asks

"Eres Mexicana? yo soy Mexiquense!"

I answer, "No, yo soy de aqui."

He pushes the compliment that I look SO Mexican.

I humbly thank him and blush a little.

I like my features.

Then he asks...


"te ves muy bonita"

I think... "what's this fool talking about?"

I ask in reply,

"QUE?! Ya no te entiendo."

And I cross my arms, trying to look past him.

Then with his smile still attached to his cheeks,

he explains, he's Mexican and Catholic.

I ease up, kiss him gently on the lips

and thank him for the acquaintance.

In silence, as to not hurt his feelings,

I shout...

"Soy orgullosa de ser Americana, Estado-unidense!

en este pais puedo escoger mi forma de ser

especialmente ser espiritual y no religiosa."

In translation, and please don't get lost...

I'm proud to be an American.

Classic American cars and Traditional burger joints

they gave the 'Cute as a Button' "VW" a little German accent on its' new television commercial
and someone voiced "racism" due to its past 'Hitler revenge'.
The poor new buggy, I think was mistreated.
After all, it's the hottest little ride in all of Mexico.

So it's not such an American classic to some
(hard to drive through the Franklin Mountains during June winds)...

But ya sure gotta love riding in and drivin up to a burger joint,
and have a:

Chico's Tacos burger with your double-cheese tacos in your
'Aristocratic' "Lincoln Continental"
while listening to Radio La Chusma

Get a ten-burger pack for the whole chusma de chamacos
from the Original Hamburger Stand in your
'French' "Pontiac Parisienne

Cruise on up to Scenic drive with your date and
'Animal Magnetism' of a 70's "Ford Mustang", "Mercury Cougar", "Corvette Stingray", "Plymouth Barracuda"
(and I just can't make up my mind cause they're all so hot!)
well just cruise on up there after the BBQ burger with your Familia

Take a lunch break at Sonic in your
'Wall Street Power Broker' cherry red 1967 "Pontiac Executive"

I can see my Chilango neighbors in their
'Don't-Mess-With-Me' "Lamborgini Diablo
heading to pick a massive stack at Carl's Junior
(where, BTW they can use their pesos!)

Did you ever make some noise in a
'Vroom! Vroom!' "Triumph Spitfire" or "Pontiac Gran Prix"
on your way through Wendy's?

Were you a 'Good Citizen' enough to take the
"Honda Civic", "Acura Integra", "Plymouth Reliant"
to Burger King?

Role play with your blind date...
in your 'Secret Agent' "Dodge Stealth", "Dodge Shadow",
or sexy "RollsRoyce Phantom"
and get dumped as she discovers you're cheap
by ordering from the dollar menu at McDonald's!

watcha! your neighbor with the
little box-like Mitsubishi Delica Space Gear
Heading to Jack-in-the-Box...

Some fantastic cars
and your mouth's watering?...

quieres ir?
for a Kahuna burger
before karaoke at the Briar Patch
on a Sunday afternoon...

Some come on already
pick up this White Eagle on your
'Bird of Prey'
My ultimate favorite:
a 1956, snow white
"Ford Thunderbird"

Ya tengo hambre!

*other sources:,, - translator*

-- please... pretty please leave comments/ ^_^

Monday, April 14, 2008

A good day in Thailand


This is not a story for children

To go beyond the valley of the dolls, darling...

It's quite a trip!

Wanna get Thai'd?
Just go to Pattaya or Bangkok

see their magical secret garden,
cone and sphere - shaped trees
Pet a tiger
feed a banana to the sleepy monkey
shop for stones
stone chips
stone murals while arguing with a mccaw
mccaw's as tired as the monkey...
ride a painting elephant.
quite a talented and educated elephant
i wonder if they'll do the same for Thai children
Instead you find them, her
not necessarily at the poles
but deffinitely as a
pulling razors followed by entrails
while she runs backstage
the family medic checks her out
all's well
so you can drink the milk
she just drank a moment ago
and be greeted by another child
blonde with round eyes
the child of the owner
from Europe
legitimate locals
who run honest tailorshops
and vast wonderous markets
of cloths, demon masks, insence, and fruit
don't enjoy your beer
without a child hitting on you
you say no
she turns to your date
she says no
she invites you both
walk out
enjoy the markets
don't eat the roaches
but do buy clothing
brand name
cheaper than the retail price
I like that other shirt
the vendor tells me
"but it's for a man"
I thought it was a blouse
what does that say about me?
we head around the corner
drink some Starbucks
and eat roasted sweet
off the street
head to the KFC
watch the Filipino boys hold hands
as they order...
an older Euro rich fella
escorting another child
as she tells her story
to raise money for Mother and Father
and her little brothers' education
the future merchant?
go back for another beer
seems calmer
I saw my shipmate
eat another child out
at the bar...
no wonder he won't return my work pen...
wake at day
have some noodles with egg on top
Thai food, not your
El Paso, Northeast corner stuff
go relax
get a $2.00 massage
while your shipmate
heads to the backroom
for a soapie
getting lathered, lathered
she... he ... glides on him front and back
as your masseuse
rubs in the wrong ointment
making you scream
it burns! it burns...
Do your eyes burn yet?
Dear King
Jackson Brown didn't teach you?
you haven't seen enough?
My cocain cousin
wanted to visit your land
he never made it
he's stuck in his drug rut of Hell Paso

And the clowning poet with the marks on his cheaks
always asks me
What's an El Pasoan doing overseas in Asia?
And what's a Sailor who's been to Thailand, doing in El Paso?

Answer that for yourself, mate.
Bon soir.

.... tour check-off list:
Visit the Golden Buddha
watch the Thai cholitos kick box live in the street
ride the boat on the River Kwai
dirty water, no good for drinking
watch houses on stilts
with shrines at the entrances
and the kid use a dirt mound for a toilet
feed bread to the catfish near the surface
Get measured for a silk dress
buy a chero shirt with the rooster embroider
run into an Chicano vato stylin like you on the dance floor
near midnight, Cinderella liberty
hunting down your buddy
while she's in the motel humpin her boy toy
unprepared to see the Captain tomorrow morning
get laid, by a girl with pretty yellow flowers
and get passed by your own shipmates
who didn't recognize you
cause you blend in well
morenita with long black hair
wearing the sarong and woven hat

Yes, darling,
It's quite a good day to visit Thailand.

RV River Kwai
The sunken temple in the River Kwai