written for Paulo Orlando in Lisbon, someone I never met in 2000.
"Portuguese Internet Boyfriend"
by KLRabstracts, before Chevalterre Nabil
7 February 2008
7 February 2008
He was the only choice
from my detailed search:
from my detailed search:
..... Age 35,
.....Light complection,
Even my shipmate, Becker,
Thought I have good taste.
He was reading over my shoulder.
A Sailor girl
Touring Asia
Could only fantasize
On the possibility
Of hitting port
In Lisbon, Portugal
To meet the banker.
His cover-up job...
He disclosed,
His true occupation
Is to protest.
We'd write
Long-detailed e-mails
About our turn-ons
And music.
From what little he knew
About me, he determined
What song he'd dedicate to me...
The insipid, virgin-minded Sailor
I didn't dream of Port-lovers
Just the Portuguese Internet Boyfriend
As for the song,
He chose:
"Aja Que Houver"
by Madredeus
Though in Dili, East Timor
Kids' arms were getting
chopped off
In religious protest
This Portuguese banker/
Undercover protestor
Knew something...
Predicted one of my ports.
He'd asked for
My mailing address
To send the CD with my song.
I sent him
The one in El Paso...
Romantic I was
Naive I was not!
He'd insist on how
WE should do something
About our U.S. President
Clinton at the time was
certainly not on Bush's plan.
Portuguese Internet Boyfriend...
What were you up to?
He warned
That his internet
Was being disconnected,
And my ship's address
Was our last chance.
What a silly, passionate fool!
If the ship's Cap'n were royalty
He'd chop off your head.
.....What did he plan?
.....What did he scheme?
.....What was the protest,
.....That I did not dream?
He claimed
That fleet should
Do something
About Timor.
I drew a blank.
The excite.com singles feature
I did not worry about.
Just gettng mail
for Christmas...
Mom's care packages
of pecans
My nieces' drawings.
Three months later,
We were not hitting port;
We anchored out,
And prepared
For terrorists.
While those who were
Stronger and equipped to
Land by barge,
The rest of us became
Tour guides in relief
For Australian troops.
As we dined,
African-American Heritage:
I told the Aussies
About great foods:
Hush puppies,
Okra, and gravy.
Departing four days later, I
Checked for e-mail
Wondering what...
What did this
Portuguese Internet Boyfriend
Know about
The U.S., Australians, and East Timor?
The song says,
"Aja que houver,
espero por ti"
(Come what may, I wait for you."
I did not wait for this
And the new
Humanitarian Service Medal
was Awarded.
Still, Clinton's
peace time
ran short.